查看完整版本: What do think of interracial sex

windchilly1 2011-7-31 02:32

now i am in africa, want have sex, but i afriad aids
cameroon, so many aids, 13% percent of people.

hndot 2011-8-1 14:48

ha ever fucked black woman ,arabian woman et european girl.mais to my best,i like sex with black hot girl :cry

huoyan091 2011-8-3 15:03

just a kind of the thinking sex

hunterqwer1234 2011-9-4 16:02

just do it! i have a sex with japanese girl!

dumbfrog 2011-9-5 03:14

Young black women looks very sexy.  :s_2:
Might try one in the near future.

li5125332 2011-9-8 02:44

It is funny question,in my opinion,You would try it.Don't be shy, it is good experience ,maybe.

webberxbl 2011-9-12 13:02

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q8347876362401 2011-9-14 13:04

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quickfire1979 2011-9-14 21:17

yeppp, i experience one girl who is from Korean. pretty cool.
and brothel is legal in  where I live

choibo21z 2011-10-25 02:07

yeah, well, in Asian culture.

we do have those tradition in our head so that would afraid of making love other other cultured or raced person.

I think, it's good to give a shot, if u actually like that person.

If not so, forget about it

Doh 2012-4-15 22:08

my friend told me he fucked a west chick before . he said it felt like "a chopstick fuck a barrel"

shuixuanlu 2012-4-24 20:27

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gzb161 2012-4-27 17:46

回复 3楼 的帖子

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andrew16 2012-6-9 15:32

i dont think its a matter if you like the person.

stephen.sis 2012-6-16 12:23

Yes , but i just got a iphone4s .Maybe i have to wait for Iphone6 ?

opportunity1 2012-8-26 15:31

The pussy is same and there is no significant difference at all.

姐姐爱做 2012-8-26 15:53

your english skill is not so good,some words are wrong

zenyboss 2012-11-13 12:32

i've had sex with white and indian (asian)... it's ok and fun anyway.. cause sex somtimes is for fun.. but you gotta be safe with that :shy

sph_once 2012-11-16 16:04

do your thinking,what ever others' opinon~

txy3000 2012-11-25 11:12

that's pretty good to sex with a white woman!
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